Business Application Services


Legacy Transformation

Business Application Services

78% of current enterprise application portfolios will experience some level of change in the coming two years - retire, replace or upgrade - while only 22% of the portfolio will remain unchanged.

Application modernization is best executed after an application rationalization strategy and planning effort to develop a roadmap to guide the evolution of the portfolio for selected applications requiring modernization treatments.


GoVirtual understands that one solution will not fit for all organizations. Legacy Transformation is a journey that both of us have to be part of together. In this context we take a "horizon" approach to transforming your legacy systems:-

Immediate Goals: We'll identify the candidates on the legacy that can give immediate reduction in costs of operation. We'll typically identify systems that can be "retired" and/or "decommissioned". Herein, We'll also assess possibilities/feasibilities of quick solutions like front-end modernization.

Short-Term Goals: We'll assess your short-term requirements. We'll evaluate a solution that can possibly provide a modern front-end while keeping the backend systems the same. This Horizon focusses on identification of integration pieces and checking applicability of mobile-enabling the legacy.

Long-Term Goals: We'll assess your long-term need and provide a roadmap for transforming your legacy systems. Herein we evaluate new age deployment models, technologies and also assess your readiness for the same to provide a fool proof transformation roadmap. It is this Horizon where your readiness for Replacing, Re-writing, Platforming or Re-platforming of applications is examined and appropriate actions are taken.

Key Capabilities of the Solution / Service

  • Discover: A "Continuous Discovery" approach after the initial application, program, data and source inventory.
  • Analyze: "360 degree Analysis" of the legacy portfolio encompassing; readiness, application, objective, roadmap (IT & Business).
  • Rationalize: Identify the "low hanging fruits" or "quick wins" for immediate ROI based on our recommendation methodology.
  • Execute: A continuous analysis, transition, test and implement, with in-depth impact analysis.

Business Value we deliver

Flexibility of Approach

  • Staggered approach to Legacy Transformation (At your own pace to derive value at each stage)
  • Maintenance Led Transformation

Speed to Market

  • 30% reduction in overall effort (due to tool usage in analysis and conversion)
  • Tool based Reverse Engineering for 50+ languages
  • Partnership with multiple service vendors providing parsers. So we have a broad choice of tool to use in all kinds of situations.

Architectural Alignment

  • Approach aligned to your Future roadmap
  • Adherence to specific standards
  • Zero Business Disruption

Transformation Focus

  • Better Customer Experience and enhanced adaptability
  • Improve user adoption of the modern application
  • Improved business process and maintainability